2017: 瑞典麦拉达伦大学,访问学者;
2019年入选福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授;2019年入选泉州市“桐江学者”特聘教授;2017年入选国家留学基金委“国际清洁能源拔尖创新人才”;2017年入选北京化工大学“青年英才百人计划”;2014年入选科技部863青年科学家;2014年入选北京市“优秀人才”;2013年入选北京市“青年英才计划”;2013年入选北京化工大学“优秀青年后备人才”;中国化工学会生物化工专业青年学者工作委员会常务委员;Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology期刊Review Editor。
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 21978014,2020-2023,主持;
(2) 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,No. 2018YFB1501405-7,2019-2023,主持;
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 21776010,2018-2021,主持;
(4) 国家重点研发计划青年项目,No. 2016YFA0204300,2016-2021,参与;
(5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 21376023,2014-2017,主持;
(6) 国家863青年科学家专题项目,No. 2014AA020522,2014-2016,主持;
(7) 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目,No. 2013D009016000001,2014-2015,主持;
(8) 北京市青年英才计划项目,No. YETP0519,2013-2015,主持;
(9) 国家自然科学青年基金项目,No. 21106007,2012-2014,主持。
(1) Q Guo, S Mei, C Xie, H Mi, Y Jiang, SD Zhang, TW Tan, LH Fan*. Reprogramming of sugar transport pathways in Escherichia coli using a permeabilized SecY protein-translocation channel. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2020, 117: 1738-1746.
(2) CL Liu, HR Bi, Bai Z, LH Fan*, TW Tan*. Engineering and manipulation of a mevalonate pathway in Escherichia coli for isoprene production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103: 239-250.
(3) YN Qu, HJ Yan, Q Guo, JL Li, YC Ruan, XZ Yue, WX Zheng, TW Tan, LH Fan*. Biosynthesis of D-glucaric acid from sucrose with routed carbon distribution in metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering, 2018, 47: 393-400.
(4) Y Yue, YY Lu, M Li, ZJ Zhang, TW Tan, LH Fan*. Co-localization of proteins with defined sequential order and controlled stoichiometric ratio on magnetic nanoparticles. Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 4397-4400.
(5) YJ Li, YY Lu, ZJ Zhang, S Mei, TW Tan, LH Fan*.Co-fermentation of cellulose and sucrose/xylose by engineered yeasts for bioethanol production. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31: 4061-4067.
(6) YJ Li, MM Wang, YW Chen, M Wang, LH Fan*, TW Tan*. Engineered yeast with a CO2-fixation pathway to improve the bio-ethanol production from xylose-mixed sugars. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 43875.
(7) MM Wang*, LT Liu, LH Fan*, TW Tan*. CRISPRi based system for enhancing 1-butanol production in engineered Klebsiella pneumoniae. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 56: 139-146.
(8) LH Fan*, ZJ Zhang, S Mei, YY Lu, M Li, ZY Wang, JG Yang, ST Yang, TW Tan*. Engineering yeast with bifunctional minicellulosome and cellodextrin pathway for co-utilization of cellulose-mixed sugars. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2016, 9: 137.
(9) M Li, Y Yue, ZJ Zhang, ZY Wang, TW Tan, LH Fan*. Site-specific and high-loading immobilization of proteins by using cohesin−dockerin and CBM−cellulose interactions. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2016, 27: 1579-1583.
(10) C Xue*, ZX Wang, GQ Du, LH Fan*, Y Mu, JG Ren, FW Bai. Integration of ethanol removal using carbon nanotube (CNT)-mixed membrane and ethanol fermentation by self-flocculating yeast for antifouling ethanol recovery. Process Biochemistry, 2016, 51: 1140-1146.
(11) LH Fan*, ZJ Zhang, XY Yu, YX Xue, MM Wang, TW Tan*. In vitro assembly of minicellulosomes with two scaffoldins on the yeast cell surface for cellulose saccharification and bioethanol production. Process Biochemistry, 2013, 48: 430-437.
(12) LH Fan*, ZJ Zhang, XY Yu, YX Xue, TW Tan*. Self-surface assembly of cellulosomes with two miniscaffoldins on Saccharomyces cerevisiae for cellulosic ethanol production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, 109: 13260-13265.
(13) LH Fan, N Liu, MR Yu, ST Yang*, HL Chen. Cell surface display of carbonic anhydrase on Escherichia coli using ice nucleation protein for CO2 sequestration. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2011, 108: 2853-2864.
(14) LH Fan, YT Zhang, L Zhang*, HL Chen. Evaluation of a membrane-sparged helical tubular photobioreactor for carbon dioxide biofixation by Chlorella vulgaris. Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, 325: 336-345.
(15) LH Fan, YT Zhang, LH Cheng, L Zhang*, DS Tang, HL Chen. Optimization of carbon dioxide fixation by Chlorella vulgaris cultivation in a membrane-photobioreactor. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2007, 30: 1094-1099.
(16) LH Fan, L Zhang, JM Shen, SY Wang, HL Chen*. Study on recovery and refining of TA from alkali reduction wastewater. Desalination, 2007, 206: 353-357.
(1) 范立海、王在宇等,产脂肪酶的毕赤酵母基因工程菌株的构建方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201610589755.9
(1) 2017年,中国化工学会生物化工专业委员会青年学者论坛“优秀报告奖”;
(2) 2017年,北京化工大学优秀教学成果特等奖(排名:3);
(3) 2016年,北京化工大学“优秀教师”称号;
(4) 2016年,北京化工大学“第十四届优秀青年主讲教师”称号;
(5) 2013年,“闵恩泽能源化工奖”-青年进步奖;
(6) 2012年,北京化工大学“校长奖”。